Welcome to Shekinah Family Ministries! Thank you for taking the time to explore our site.  While you may only join us for a short visit, the most important thing for you to take away from this visit is knowing where you will spend eternity. Will you spend eternity in the presence of the Shekinah- the magnificent Glory of Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Creator of all things, surrounded by His Light, part of His family? Or will you choose not to join His family and spend eternity in darkness and separation from His presence? This life is short. Eternity is forever. You will spend eternity somewhere. Choose family… Please.

The Creator is all about family. He created it so He gets to define it. There is a misconception that “we are all God’s children”. Not true. We are all made in the image of God, we are all loved by God, and we are all welcome to join His family- but He created the family, so He defines it’s structure, the “house rules”, and who lives eternally inside the gates of His Kingdom. He made a way for the broken refugees of this world to become citizens and even become His adopted children, but this status is only granted to those who come through His defined process.

Jesus (Yahshua- Yahweh’s Salvation, His literal Hebrew name) is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life. No one comes to the Father but through Him (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). Sounds narrow minded- you say. Not really. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Any “whosoever”- including you- is welcome to join the family. Any man, any woman, any child, royalty or homeless, professor or illiterate, any national or cultural background, married, divorced, widowed, or single, in prison or in a church choir. WHOSOEVER.

One problem: Yahweh is holy, perfectly clean. He cannot allow dirtiness (sin) in His Kingdom of eternal life. Sin is like just a little tiny maggot in a gallon of clean water. Would you drink it? No. Sin causes death like germs in the water. Only one thing can purify our lives from sin but Yahweh provided THAT ONE THING.

The first step is to understand sin. Long before the creation of humanity, there was another race of created beings known as “the sons of God”- angels. A rebellion led by an angel named Lucifer was followed by a third of the angelic army. He wanted to be greater than his Creator; he wanted to be God, so Yahweh exiled him. Only Yahweh is God- ever. Lucifer’s allies continue to compete among each other and are the powers behind the idolatry of the world. These rebels were thrown out of the realm of God to the earth and proceeded to engage in chaos. These rebellious angels continue to watch and wait for opportunities to build their own perverse imitation of authority based on treachery, tyranny, and chaos.

In the beginning (Genesis) Yahweh invaded the chaos with His Spirit. He banished the darkness by creating light. He established a distinction between light and darkness, day, and night, between waters and land. The light shone on the dry land and plants filled His Earth with beauty and fruitfulness. Yahweh set apart periods of time to be measured by the sighting of sun and moon, that would be His celebrations and harvest cycles. Living creatures were made to fill the sky and the sea, then the land- each after its own kind, distinct yet able to express a vast plethora of genetic characteristics to adapt to Earth’s variety of habitats. Yahweh the Creator declared His work to be GOOD! Which makes Evil tremble…

On the earth Yahweh set apart a garden with the intention to re-establish His order, that would extend throughout the world over time. Yahweh was and is expressed in Oneness (Echad), as Father, Son, and Spirit. His creation of humanity was the perfect image of Yahweh, present in one human named Adam. This human was unique in all creation- even the angels were not created in the image of Yahweh! This was a revolutionary creature like no other! To form companionship that was suitable, Yahweh put Adam to sleep while He placed distinction between the feminine and masculine parts, dividing the human into two beings both still named Adam- together. The man and woman walked clothed in the Shekinah (God’s glory) in oneness with each other and with Yahweh in a perfect garden without sin, enjoying companionship, partners in benevolent dominion over the Garden, establishing and maintaining order and beauty. No one knows how long this flourishing existence lasted- but it ended abruptly with the introduction of sin, the willful choice to disobey the single commandment they were given, and the breaking of their oneness with each other and with Yahweh.

The humans were made to leave the garden; an animal was sacrificed by Yahweh to provide the skin for their clothing- the first death in this new Creation. The man gave a separate name to the woman and their relationship changed from echad (oneness) to domination. Later generations battled between matriarchy and patriarchy- always yearning for the restored echad (oneness) from the garden. Even in the tragedy of their sin, Yahweh made a long term plan to legally defeat the enemy who deceived the female, then captured and twisted the future of Yahweh’s human family. Yahweh promised redemption (ransom) and restoration would come through the seed of the woman. A mystery…

History occurred in cycles that showed God’s continued faithfulness. Yahweh honored friendships with those who heard His voice and followed His loving instructions. He continued to care for and rescue His people. He continued to welcome others into His family of faith. He continued to intervene and reveal Himself to anyone who wanted to know Him. He kept His promises to His covenant nation of Israel, even when His people were unfaithful. The history, covenants, prophesies, and commandments were meticulously preserved, carefully documented on scrolls by prophets as they heard from God directly. The Ten Commandments were written directly by God’s own hand. This story is found in the Old Testament. Read it.

Yahweh continued to secretly orchestrate the plan that would defeat the enemy and rescue the world from the dominion of darkness. The plan would involve God the Son being born of a virgin, inhabiting a fully human body, living a life without sin, obedient to all commandments of His Father, then becoming a willing sacrifice to pay the penalty of judgement for the sin of all humanity. All of this plan was hidden in plain sight from the enemy, until the perfect time…

After centuries of waiting the Redeemer came, fulfilling hundreds of prophesies about the place He would be born, the lineage, the events of His birth, life, death, and resurrection. The mathematical statistics of anyone fulfilling TEN, let alone HUNDREDS of prophesies is staggeringly impossible. Unless Jesus of Nazareth is who He said He is- Emanuel, God with us- He was either real, a liar, or a lunatic. There is more evidence for Yahshua’s existence and His resurrection than for any other historical event. Atheists who look at the facts do not remain atheists. There are many former atheists in Yahweh’s family.

Some people think God can do anything He wants to do because He is God. Not true. He cannot lie. He cannot be unjust. He cannot sin or tolerate sin in His presence. He cannot remove all consequence for sin in the world without following a legal process. That day is coming but is not yet here. The Hebrew definition of a Prosecuting Attorney is the Satan. The Courtroom of Yahweh is accessed by Satan who makes accusations of sin against humanity, demanding their destruction in judgement- he comes to steal, kill, and destroy their lives. Satan’s future judgment is to burn forever in a lake of fire created for him and his rebellious angels; his goal is to take as much of humanity with him as he can recruit by any means possible. But Yahweh provided a single perfect way of escape: the sacrificial blood of His own Son Jesus/Yahshua the Messiah. Not several ways, not several truths, not several paths.


This cosmic battle is coming to a head. We all feel it. The world stage is being set for a season of tyranny and conflict bigger than anything we have ever experienced. There is no “easy out”, no escape. Don’t count on a “rapture” before things get intense. You cannot “prep” your way out of this. EVERYTHING in the news around the world has already been predicted thousands of years ago in detail. For those who are already in Yahweh’s family, there is peace and excitement because we know this ends well for those who have the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah and follow his commandments. Yahshua is returning soon and has a wonderful plan for the future of His family, after we endure a season of hardship that will be intense but limited. It helps to understand the plan. But the clock is ticking. TODAY is the day of salvation. Don’t wait.

  • Sin is transgression/disobedience of Yahweh’s Law- His commandments (Exodus 20)
  • Yahweh is holy. He must remain separate from sin. Sin results in death and judgement.
  • Yahweh provided a plan to rescue humanity from sin, but it cost Him the suffering of His own precious Son on the cross, where Jesus/Yahshua carried the judgement for the sin of all mankind. Yahweh diverted the judgment of my sin and your sin to His own Son.
  • There is no other sacrifice for sin. No good works, no penance, no rituals, no other mediator between humanity and judgement. Jesus said “It is finished” on the cross.
  • You must repent of your sin. This is not simply apologizing to God. It is a change of direction. Turning away from sin in your heart and actions. Turning toward God.
  • Yield your life to the calling of Jesus. He wants you in the family- that is why He willingly suffered. Speak to Him- this is what prayer is. Tell Him you are sorry for the sins of _______. Let Him bring them all to mind and confess them honestly to Him. Take your time. Now tell Him that your life belongs to Him, and you will serve and love Him forever. Thank Him for taking your sin, washing you clean, and giving you new life. Your new life starts the moment you trust in Jesus to forgive your sins. You don’t earn it or clean yourself up before asking for it. You rest in His finished work and begin to follow Him one choice at a time. If your sin has harmed others, seek ways to make restitution as an expression of your new faith. Read the entire New Testament of the Bible.
  • Now that you are in the family, ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Read the Bible and the Spirit will help you understand it and do what it says. Keep it simple, pray a lot.
  • Pray that God will help you find other people who are in the family, who read and do the Bible (all of it, not just the New Testament), and who can help you grow in your new faith. You might find people in a church or in a small group that meets in a home. It’s not about the building. It’s about relationships- remember this is a family. Don’t pick the church with the biggest crowd, best musicians, and messages that only use lots of opinion and little Bible teaching. Pick the place that focuses on the Bible, teaches YOU how to study your own Bible, and a place where people are friendly, kind, and helpful to each other. Where everyone is treated with respect, men, women, rich, poor, children, and elders. Don’t be alone. Meeting with just a few committed people is ok.
  • Some people claim to be Christians but are really under the direction of their own ideas or the plans of God’s enemy. Be careful not to be distracted by what people SAY. Observe what they DO. That is who they really ARE. One example: A “Christian” man may SAY he “loves his wife and children.” But his ACTIONS involve habitual secret violence, deception, adultery, all manner of abuse. He is his ACTIONS, not his words. This man is not a follower of Christ, even if he is a pastor. Enabling sin by hiding it for others is also sin. Be authentic, resist evil. Find healthy people who have matching words and actions.
  • When you find a group of healthy followers of Jesus, ask to be baptized. Keep growing…
  • If you mess up, repent again. You are still God’s child. Don’t stay in the mess. If others mess up and repent, forgive them but remain safe. Trust is earned by actions. It’s ok to judge people’s actions, avoid people who do not repent, and set healthy boundaries. People who bully your boundaries are not safe. Being cautious is wise. Proverbs is a part of the Bible; read it to help you make healthy wise choices during perilous times.
  • WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!! I would love to hear about it if you made a decision to follow Jesus. I would love to connect you to resources that would help you grow in your new walk of faith and continue to keep you in prayer. If I never see you in person, we will have an eternity to get acquainted! You are loved and valued as a child of God. Shalom!